Motivating Story of Lion King and Fox

Motivating story of Lion King and Fox

The Motivating Story of Lion King and His Minister Fox who was foolish enough to invite death because by living with the Lion King he is also elevated to the same status as the Lion his Boss.

The King of the Jungle Lion
Once upon a time there lived a Lion. In his young days he was a powerful hunter. He was the King of the Jungle and all animals were afraid of him. He would kill any animal he found anywhere at any time. His reputation as a merciless killer travelled far and wide. Even other lions in nearby  forest would shiver when they hear him roar.

The Lion King is Growing Old
That was the old story. But now he was growing old and he was not able to hunt on his own. Nine of ten hunting attempts fails and he goes hungry for days. Old age and hunger was going to kill him. The animals were not getting scared and they have started ignoring the Lion Kings presence. This was more hurting to him than his hunger.

The Lion King Wants a Minister
The lion would lie around and keep thinking about how to earn his lost pride back. One day the Lion King gets an idea. He announces that he has a job opening. He needs a minister. The minister gets to stay in the Kings Palace Den and can eat on the same table with the King. What more, the lucky minister will be given a signed copy of a contract saying that his life will not be touched by the king as long as he stays the Kings Minister.

Ministerial Candidates Failing Interview was the Lion's Lunch
Many Carnivores applied for the post. Almost all the grass eaters however, did not even apply for the post as they thought it better to stay away from the King and in any case they cannot share a meal with the King. Most small animals who came for the interview into the palatial den became the Lion's lunch or dinner. Some were too small to be even a breakfast for him. There was a Fox who was secretly witnessing these interviews and was fully aware of what was happening. Finally, the cunning Fox sneaked in after a large carnivore had gone into the den to attend the interview and has not come out because the king had this ministerial candidate for lunch and he was not hungry anymore.

The Lion King Interviews the Fox
The interview was conducted smoothly. The Lion was impressed with all the answers the cunning fox gave. He thought for a while and said, I appoint you as my Prime Minister. If you want you can recruit more ministers for yourself. Here is your "No Eat Me" Contract. As long as you stay my minister, your life is safe.

The Fox Hunted with the Lion King
For the next few months the Minister would hunt alongside the King. The cunning fox had the job of fooling the animals into the trap where the Lion would wait and ambush. The king was having a gala time eating more than his share. The Fox was also happy eating the liberal leftovers of his King. Life was going on smoothly for both of them.

The Fox Thought He is Not Below the King of the Jungle
The animals in the jungle were now afraid of the Fox more than the Lion King because he would lead them into the trap where the Lion would kill them. The story had travelled far and all animals now stay away from the Fox. The foolish fox thought that they were afraid of him and of late had started behaving like the King. He had started equating his status same as the Lion King.

The Lion's Minister Tries to Kill an Elephant
One day, early in the morning, the foolish fox and the Lion King went on a hunt. The fox wanted to prove that he has learned all the tricks of hunting from the king and wanted to prove that he could also kill animals. An elephant was eating some leaves nearby. The Lion King usually avoided confronting elephants, but the foolish Fox ran towards the elephant, even before the Lion could stop him, and tried to kill the elephant by choking the elephant by biting its huge neck. The annoyed elephant pickedup the foolish fox and banged him on the ground. It was instant death for the Fox.

Moral of this Motivating Story

Never Act Based on Your Parents or Boss's Status.

1 comment:

  1. An amazing Lion and Fox story. The moral applies to all of us who try to boss around because our parents are rich or famous or we have a high position in the society. Well said.


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