Motivating Moral Story - Cat

Motivating Moral Story - Cat

Motivating Moral Story - Cat

This is a sad but Motivating Moral Story of a Cat who had a painful death trying to get some love from human beings.

Once there was a cat. He waged great wars obviously for winning over his love which was evident from his missing left eye, left ear and a broken rear leg. The fact was confirmed from his limping walk which made an impression that he is turning left when he actually walks straight.

Before he started waging wars everyone liked him for his cute looks. But now people hate him for his ugly looks. People shoo him away or would pour water on him with the garden hose, throw what ever came handy at him and still he would come back and curl around their legs fully aware of the hard kick that he knew would follow.

One day some children bashed him up and broke his back bone. He was a twisted mass of flesh crying aloud in excruciating pain. A man who saw all this could not stand the torture the poor cat was being subjected to, shooed the children away and picked up the cat in his arms.

The cat stopped crying and started purring softly licking the man on his arms for some time and then died. When some one kicked him, he used to come back again, even though cats do not like getting wet, when someone poured water on him he stood there getting wet because the poor cat was asking for only for a little affection even in his painful moments before death.

The man could not control his tears because; he too had kicked the poor cat some time back.

Moral of the Motivating Story - Cat

“Face and looks can be deceiving at times. VALUE THE PERSON.”
“Animals too understand love.”
"And Love Costs You Nothing."


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